Parenting Through the Holidays: Balancing Festivities & Routine

As the holiday season approaches, the air fills with excitement and anticipation. But for parents, this time of year can often feel like a juggling act

Balancing the magic of the season with everyday household routines can be challenging, but it is essential for maintaining a sense of normalcy and calm in the house! 

For those of you entrepreneurial parents, the end-of-year rush often means also managing increased business demands alongside your family commitments.

The pressure to succeed in both realms can be immense, making it vital to find effective strategies for you to balance work and family life, without compromising the joy of the season.

How to Have a Better Work-Life Balance

As a parent with ADHD, I find the increased activities, social commitments and changes to routines in the holidays quite overwhelming – making it even harder for me to maintain focus and organisation.

For ADHD parents, it’s essential to have strategies that cater to your unique needs, so you can enjoy the festive season while managing your symptoms (for some more info about managing ADHD symptoms, check out my post 9 Natural Ways to Treat ADHD Symptoms).

In all cases, though, the key lies in planning, setting realistic expectations, and adopting strategies that allow for a harmonious blending of your holiday festivities and daily routines. By doing so, you can create a holiday season that isn’t just manageable – but also joyful for the entire family (including you).

We’re going to go through some practical tips and strategies to help you navigate parenting through the holiday season, to ensure everyone has a good time.

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10 tips for parenting through the holidays

Whether you’re bossing it as a stay-at-home mum, running a business along the side, trying to deal with the challenges of ADHD or you’re simply a busy parent trying to make the most of this special time of year, these tips will help you take some weight off.

1. Set Realistic expections:

Start off by setting realistic expectations for the holiday. Not every moment needs to be packed with activities. It’s okay to have downtime and to not attend every event. Prioritise what’s most important to your family, and learn to say no to everything else!

For entrepreneurial parents: It’s not possible to attend every business event AND every family gathering. Prioritise based on what is most important to you. It’s okay to delegate business tasks or decline invitations!

For parents with ADHD: Understand that it’s okay to not have a picture-perfect holiday. Focus on what makes the season special for you and your family, rather than trying to meet every external expectation and compare yourself to others!

2. Maintain key routines:

Children thrive on routine (adults too), and the holidays can disrupt this.

Try to keep some key routines in place, like bedtime rituals and meal times.

This consistency provides and sense of security and normality amidst the holiday madness, and can help parents (especially those with ADHD) to manage their days more effectively.

3. Involve children in planning:

Get your kids involved in the planning process!

This will not only make them feel valued but can also help you, as a parent, stay organised.

Let them choose some activities or help in planning meals – this inclusion can help to teach them decision-making and organisational skills, and can be a fun way to manage your workload!

4. Create new traditions:

The holidays are a perfect time to start new traditions that don’t require a lot of effort, but create lasting memories.

Start some simple traditions that don’t add stress, it could be as simple as baking cookies, or crafting homemade decorations together!

For entrepreneurial parents: Carve out time to have a weekly family movie night for quality time with your family!

For parents with ADHD: A nightly storytelling session could help a lot in winding down and maintaining your focus and well-being.

5. Teach your kids about the essence of the season:

Use this as an opportunity to discuss values beyond the commercial aspect of the holidays.

It’s not just about receiving gifts but about kindness, gratitude and family.

Encouraging these values can bring a deeper level of enjoyment and understanding to the festivities!

6. Schedule downtime:

Downtime is crucial.

Amidst the holiday activities, make sure to schedule some downtime.

You could arrange some quiet periods where the family have some time for reading, drawing, or simply relaxing together without any structured activities.

It’s super important for kids (and parents) to recharge.

7. Stay organised:

Keep a family calendar of events and tasks.

This helps in avoiding the last-last minute rush and keeps everyone aware of what’s coming up. 

For parents who are business owners, this might include key deadlines too.

For parents with ADHD, visual aids like calendars and planners can be especially helpful in staying organised.  

Try out my Essential Printable Planner Bundle for everything you need to stay on top of your life!

A family calendar is also a great way to visually ensure that there’s a balance between activities and rest!

8. Be flexible:

Things don’t always go as planned in the holiday season, and that’s perfectly fine.

Being flexible and able to go with the flow can reduce stress and make the festive season more enjoyable for everyone! 

9. Practice self-care:

Self-care is vital!

Don’t forget to take care of yourself.

Parenting through the holidays can be overwhelming, so ensure you’re setting time aside for your own relaxation and rejuvenation.

You may like to set aside specific time for relaxation, and benefit from things like exercise and meditation to reduce stress and keep the happy energy flowing!

5 Minute Self-Care Ideas for Busy Mums

10. Reflect & appreciate:

Finally, take time to reflect on your year’s achievements, challenges, and those special moments you’ve had with your family.

The holidays are a magical time, and this can be such a calming exercise, allowing you to appreciate the journey and the time spent with your family. 

Parenting through the festive season can be a stressful experience, but it doesn’t have to be.

By finding the right balance between festivities and routines, you can create a holiday season that’s enjoyable, memorable, and relaxing for the whole family.

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