How To Create Your Own Vision Board

In today’s fast-paced world, it’s a good idea to take a breather and think about our goals and dreams.

One way to do that is by making a vision board, which is basically a visual representation of what we want in life.

It’s like a constant reminder of the future we want for ourselves.

Let’s walk through the process of creating a vision board, so you can make your dreams a reality!

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Step 1: Set Your Intentions

Alright, let’s start things off by taking a moment to think about your goals, dreams, and what you really want to achieve.

It could be in your career, relationships, health, or personal growth.

The important thing here is to be crystal clear and specific about what you want to bring into your life.

So go ahead and reflect on the areas you want to improve or focus on.

Step 2: Gather Your Materials

To create a vision board, you’ll need a few basic materials:

  1. A poster board, cork board or just a large piece of paper that you can frame or mount on the wall – make it as big or as small as you’d like, as long as you allow room for creativity!
  2. Magazines, newspapers or printouts – Look for images, quotes and words that resonate with your goals and aspirations.
  3. Scissors and glue or pins – these will be used to attach your chosen pictures and quotes to your vision board.

Step 3: Explore & Select Inspiring Visuals

Flip through magazines or search online for images, quotes, and words that align with your intentions.

Be open to anything that sparks joy, inspiration, or resonates with your aspirations.

Cut or print out these visuals and set them aside.

woman standing by the side of a watercraft

Step 4: Arrange & Organise

Alright, let’s get down to business and start bringing that vision board of yours to life.

Start by arranging your visuals on the board.

Play around with different layouts and combinations to see what looks best.

You can group your visuals into sections that represent different aspects of your life, or you can just go with the flow and follow your gut.

Trust your instincts and arrange the visuals in a way that makes you happy!

Step 5: Glue or Pin It Down

After you’ve got everything arranged the way you want it, go ahead and stick those visuals onto the board using glue or pins.

Take your time with this step to make sure everything is securely attached.

The goal here is to create a board that looks good and all the pieces fit together nicely.

So, no rush, just take your time and make it visually appealing and all put together.

Step 6: Personalise & Enhance

To make your vision board really special, think about adding some personal touches.

You could use your own photos, write down affirmations by hand, or include anything else that feels right to you.

Make it all about who you are and what you want.

Don’t be afraid to get creative and let your personality shine through.

Step 7: Display & Engage

So, when it comes to your vision board, finding a good spot to put it is key.

You want it somewhere you’ll see it every day, like your bedroom, office, or any place where you spend a lot of time.

Make sure it’s prominent and visible.

And here’s the important part: take a few minutes each day to really engage with it.

Visualise yourself already living the life that those visuals represent.

Let that positive energy flow and inspire you.

It’s all about keeping that vision in your mind and letting it motivate you.

photo of person putting photo on wall

Crafting a vision board can really help you bring your dreams to life.

It’s all about setting intentions, gathering inspiring visuals, arranging them in a thoughtful way, and displaying the board where you can see it every day.

By regularly engaging with your vision board, you’ll feel motivated and guided to take action.

So grab those scissors, let your creativity flow, and let your vision board be the spark that turns your dreams into reality.

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