30 Easy Ways to Get Super Organised for Christmas

The Christmas season is eagerly awaited by many. It’s a time for family, friends, laughter, and creating memories that last a lifetime. However, behind the scenes, the lead-up to Christmas can often feel like a daunting maze of tasks and preparations. From decking the halls to preparing feasts, buying perfect gifts, and ensuring everything is just right – the list seems endless! Which is why I’m bringing you 30 Easy Ways to Get Super Organised for Christmas!

The key to a smooth and enjoyable Christmas lies in organisation. Being organised not only helps in managing the numerous tasks efficiently but also in reducing the stress that often accompanies holiday preparations. 

It’s about finding a balance between the festive hustle and taking time to enjoy the season’s joys. After all, Christmas is not just about the big day itself, but also about savouring each moment of the season – the warmth of lit fireplaces, the aroma of baked goods, the twinkling lights, and the anticipation of joyous gatherings.

Related: How to Survive Christmas as a Busy Parent: 10 Tips for Parenting Through the Holidays

30 easy Ways to get super organised for christmas

I’m going to share with you 30 easy and effective ways to get super organized for Christmas. These tips are designed to help you navigate the holiday season with ease, ensuring that you have time to enjoy the magic of Christmas. Whether you’re a meticulous planner or someone who tends to leave things to the last minute, these strategies will streamline your preparations and help bring peace and joy to your holiday season.

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1. Start Early

Begin your Christmas planning at least a month in advance to avoid last-minute stress.

2. Create a checklist

Write down everything you need to do, buy or prepare for Christmas.

Try using these list pads that stick to your fridge and keep your checklist front and centre!

3. Set a budget

Decide how much you want to spend on gifts, food and decorations to avoid overspending.

4. Make a gift list

Write down everyone you need to buy for and brainstorm gift ideas.

5. Shop online

Avoid the crowds and save time by doing your Christmas shopping online.

6. Plan your menu

Decide what you’ll serve for Christmas dinner and make a shopping list.

7. Batch cook

Prepare some dishes in advance and freeze them to save time on Christmas Day.

8. Schedule decorating

Set a specific day to decorate your home to make it a fun and stress-free activity.

9. Delegate tasks

Get the whole family involved in preparations to lighten your load.

10. Create a wrapping station

Set up a space with all your wrapping supplies for efficiency.

11. Organise christmas cards

Make a list of recipients and send your cards early.

12. Plan guest accommodation

If you have overnight guests, prepare where they’re sleeping in advance.

13. Stock up on essentials

Ensure you have all the basics, like batteries, toiletries, and first aid supplies.

14. Plan for pets

Make arrangements for pet care if you’re travelling or hosting many guests

15. Check your cookware

Ensure you have all the necessary utensils and cookware for your Christmas meal.

16. Declutter

Tidy up your home to make space for decorations and guests.

17. Create a playlist

Compile a Christmas music playlist to set the festive mood.

18. Prepare outdoor spaces

Clean and decorate your porch or garden for a welcoming entrance. You can’t go wrong with a lovely Christmas wreath!

19. Confirm guest lists

Get a final headcount for any events you’re hosting.

20. Arrange transportation

If guests are coming from afar, plan for their pick-up or provide them with travel information.

21. Plan fun activities

Think of some games or activities for family gatherings. Here are some of my family’s favourites:

22. Organise a baking day

Set aside a day for Christmas baking which can also be a fun family activity day. Check out these adorable Christmas cookie cutters to really get festive with your baking creations!

23. Set up a beverage station

Prepare a spot in your home for drinks, both alcoholic and non-alcoholic.

24. Prep your guest bathroom

If you’re lucky enough to have a guest bathroom, stock up on toiletries and ensure it’s clean and inviting.

25. Charge your devices

Ensure cameras and phones are charged to capture Christmas moments.

26. Create an emergency kit

Have a small kit with items like a sewing kit, extra batteries, and tape.

27. Plan leftovers

Have containers ready for any leftover food.

28. Relaxation plan

Schedule some downtime for yourself during the busy season.

29. Reflect on traditions

Keep or start family traditions to make Christmas more meaningful.

30. Be flexible

Be prepared to adapt plans as needed to reduce stress.


As we wrap up our list of 30 Easy Ways to Get Organised for Christmas, it’s important to remember that the holiday season is about more than just perfect decorations or a flawlessly executed dinner.

It’s about the spirit of giving, the warmth of family and friends, and the joy of creating memories.

While being organized is a great way to ensure a smooth holiday season, it’s equally important to not get too caught up in the details and miss out on the moments that make Christmas special.


Remember, the best Christmas celebrations are the ones where laughter fills the air, stories are shared, and love is all around – and sometimes these come from the unplanned and spontaneous moments.

So, while you use these tips to help prepare for the season, also leave room for a little holiday magic and unexpected joys.


Take a moment during this busy time to reflect on the traditions and activities that make your holiday unique.

Cherish these traditions, whether it’s a family game night, watching a favourite Christmas movie, or or baking cookies together.

These are the moments that often become cherished memories. Embrace the joy of giving, not just through presents, but through acts of kindness, spending quality time with loved ones, and creating an atmosphere of warmth and love.


Also, amidst the bustle of the season, don’t forget to take time for yourself. Whether it’s a quiet evening with a cup of hot cocoa and a good book, a relaxing bath, or a walk in the winter air, self-care is crucial.

It’s these moments of tranquility amidst the holiday cheer that recharge and refresh you, allowing you to fully enjoy and appreciate the festivities.


While this list of 30 Ways to Get Organised for Christmas aims to make your holiday preparations easier and more efficient, the true essence of Christmas lies in the joy, love, and togetherness it brings.

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