80 Quick 5 Minute Self-Care Ideas for Busy Mums

When you’ve got a hectic schedule and seemingly endless responsibilities, self-care usually takes a back seat. 

However, making self-care a priority is so important for maintaining your mental health and preventing burnout. 

I’m going to touch on why self-care is so important for busy women, and offer loads of practical ideas for you to incorporate it into your busy schedule.

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How to Recover from Burnout

Why is self-care so important?

Taking time out for some self-care allows you to recharge, reduce your stress levels and avoid burnout.

It’s important to prioritise your personal needs, to improve your physical, mental and emotional health.

Whether you decided to practise mindfulness, pursue a hobby, or spend some more time in nature, finding the activities that bring you joy and relaxation can have a huge positive impact on your mental health!

When you begin to prioritise self-care, you’ll find it easier to navigate the challenges of your life and process your emotions more effectively.

Acknowledge your emotions, seek support when needed, and get involved in activities that promote better mental health, such as journaling, gratitude or connecting with your loved ones.

I know that sometimes you may feel guilty about prioritising self-care, but doing so sets a positive example for your kids, too.

By demonstrating to them the importance of self-nurturing, you’ll show your kids that they should prioritise their well-being, creating a culture of self-love and empowerment in your home.

In the midst of such a hectic life, it’s easy to neglect yourself, but self-care should never be overlooked.

By making it a solid part of your routine, you can lead a more balanced, fulfilling life, and continue to thrive in your busy world. 

Remember, self-care is not selfish, but a necessary act of self-love and well-being.

You cannot pour from an empty cup.

Spiritual Exercises to Improve Physical Health - How to Avoid Burnout, Demotivation, and Depression

80 quick 5 minute self-care ideas for busy women

So let’s get into my 80 Quick 5 Minute Self-Care Ideas for Busy Women! I’ve separated these into self-care ideas for your mind, your body, your soul, just to make you feel good, and some extra bonus ideas.

Self-care ideas for your mind:

1. Breathe 5 slow, mindful breaths

2. Find some new images for your vision board, sit and visualise your future (how to make your own vision board)

3. Tidy your workspace

4. Do some colouring

5. Put your phone on Do Not Disturb

6. Ground yourself by walking barefoot in the grass

7. Read your favourite book/blog

8. Watch funny videos

9. Listen to your favourite podcast/audiobook

10. Sing out loud

11. Watch an inspiring video

12. Do a full body scan, notice the sensations of your body

13. Unplug from social media

14. Go for a short walk

15. Do a 5 minute declutter of a section of your house

16. Read some inspiring quotes

17. Don’t reply to messages instantly

18. Go outside and take in the sounds around you

19. Make your bed

20. Relax and daydream

How to Have a Digital Detox

Self-Care ideas for your body:

21. Take a warm shower

22. Do 5 minutes of stretching

23. Brush your hair

24. Eat a healthy snack

25. Brush your teeth

26. Apply a face mask

27. Give yourself a head massage

28. Strike a power pose

29. Put your makeup on without rushing

30. Drink a glass of water

31. Do a 5 minute yoga session

32. Paint your nails

33. Have a lay down

Self-care ideas for your soul:

34. Dance it out

35. Listen to positive affirmations

36. Meditate for 5 minutes

37. Write about your future with full belief and excitement

38. Cry your heart out

39. Light a candle and focus on the flame

40. Sit quietly

41. Journal for 5 minutes

42. Compliment someone

43. Call your friends

44. Look at the stars

45. Write a letter you wish you could send to someone

46. Admire your view

Spiritual Exercises to Improve Physical Health - How to Avoid Burnout, Demotivation, and Depression

Self-Care to Help you feel good

47. Hug your partner

48. Light a nice candle or incense

49. Make a list of all the things you’re grateful for 

50. Open your blinds and windows 

51. Change your bed sheets

52. Call your parents or a friend

53. Have a cup of herbal tea

54. Look in the mirror and smile at yourself

55. Create a playlist of songs that you love 

56. Step outside and breathe some fresh air 

57. Wash your face 

58. Buy yourself some flowers

59. Get into your most comfy clothes

60. Hug yourself

Extra self-care ideas:

61. Make yourself your favourite snack

62. Plan a self-care day

63. Put warm lights around your home

64. Treat yourself to something 

65. Cuddle with your pet 

66. Take a warm bath 

67. Be kind to yourself

68. Wear a comfy hoodie (or pjs) 

69. Plan your routine for the week

70. Reach out to someone you’ve not spoken to in a while

71. Plan a nice dinner 

72. Put on loud music 

73. Snuggle with your kids 

74. Make yourself your favourite drink

75. Leave your phone alone 

76.  Look back at family photos

77. Find and read nice poems 

78. Do some breathing exercises

79. Plan a nice day out 

80. Do absolutely nothing!


For a more in depth look at a few self-care tips, check out my other blog posts:

8 Self-Care Tips to Balance a Busy Lifestyle

Bedtime Bliss: How to Relax & Recharge with Nightly Rituals

Self-care is not a luxury but a necessity.
It is a way to honor your mind, body, and soul amidst the hustle and bustle of everyday life.

Whether it’s finding moments of solitude, connecting with loved ones, or pampering yourself with small indulgences, these ideas are meant to inspire and remind you of your worth!

So, prioritise yourself, even if it’s just for a few minutes each day.
Your overall well-being will be improved, and you’ll find yourself better equipped to tackle the challenges that come your way.

Remember, you deserve to be cared for, and by incorporating these 5-minute self-care practices into your routine, you’ll find that you can nurture yourself even in the busiest of times.

Here’s to a happier, healthier, and more balanced life!

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