5 Signs You’re a Mum With ADHD

For all mothers, having kids is an amazing, mental journey, full of love, joy and its fair share of challenges. But for mum’s with ADHD, this journey can feel even more overwhelming

ADHD, or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, is a condition that affects both children and adults. It causes difficulties with attention and hyperactivity (of course) but also with impulsivity. 

People with ADHD typically struggle to stay organised, manage their time and stay focused. So you can see why this would add an extra layer of difficulty to parenting!

It’s estimated that about 5% of all the adults worldwide have ADHD, and while it is more commonly diagnosed in men, the amount of women being diagnosed is steadily climbing. 

When I was younger, I didn’t even know that women could have it, but here I am having been diagnosed in my 20s!

If you already know you have ADHD and you’re looking for a more in depth look at managing your symptoms, check out my other blog post: 9 Natural Ways to Treat ADHD Symptoms

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5 Signs That you could be a mum with aDHD

In this post, we’re going to explore some common signs that you might be a mum with ADHD, and I’ll share with you some practical tips that I’ve found useful as a fellow ADHD mum, to help you navigate parenting alongside your neurodiversity! So let’s get into it!

1. You constantly feel overwhelmed

Of course, it is normal at times to feel overwhelmed when balancing your life with raising kids. But if you find yourself feeling constantly overwhelmed, even when tasks seem relatively small or simple, it could be a sign that you have ADHD. 

Mums with ADHD often feel like they are juggling a million things at once, struggling to stay organised and focus amid the chaos of daily life. For me, I constantly feel buried under things to do, even if I’m having a day where really there’s not much going on. 

The key is to recognise this feeling, and find strategies that work for you. Things like breaking down your tasks into smaller chunks, or utilising organisational tools like calendars, to-do lists and planners!

5 Best Planners to Skyrocket Your Success

2. You struggle with time management

Time management can be a significant challenge for mums with ADHD. You might find yourself losing track of time, running late regularly or struggling to prioritise tasks properly. 

Some great ways to combat these problems are establishing routines, setting reminders, and using visual aids like timers, alarms or memo boards to help you stay on track. 

It’s good to experiment with different strategies to find what works best for you, and your unique personality.

3. You struggle with planning & organisation

Planning and organisation are vital skills for mums, but they can be super challenging for those with ADHD. 

You might find it challenging to keep track of appointments, manage your household chores, or create structured schedules and stick to them. 

Try to break down tasks into smaller steps to avoid overwhelming yourself, consider using colour-coded systems or labels around the house, and check out available tools such as apps or digital calendars to assist you with organising your days!

4. You struggle to stay focused

One of the first symptoms that people think of when they think of ADHD is difficulty in maintaining focus, especially when it comes to boring or repetitive tasks. 

As a mum, this can present big problems when doing things like household chores, or helping children with their homework. 

If possible, find ways to make tasks more engaging or interactive, such as turning chores into games or using visual aids to facilitate learning. I personally like to throw on my headphones and listen to an audiobook when I’m doing chores, it makes the time fly!

Additionally, it’s important to carve out dedicated time for yourself for self-care, and practicing mindfulness or meditation can help to improve your focus and clarity.

How to Develop a Daily Mindfulness Practise: a Step-by-Step Guide

5. You are impulsive & feel like you’re on an emotional rollercoaster

Impulsivity and emotional dysregulation are common traits of people with ADHD. Mums with ADHD may find themselves behaving impulsively (like overspending), leading to regrets or strained relationships. 

You may find yourself ‘over reacting’ to things that in the grand scheme of things aren’t that big of a deal, such as loud noises from your kids, or something going wrong in the house. 

It’s crucial to practice self-awareness. Pause before you react, and develop healthy coping mechanisms for managing emotions.

I personally get really overwhelmed and find that I am very reactive to loud or repetitive noises (hard to avoid with kids around, right?) so something I’ve found incredibly helpful are these Loop Engage Ear Plugs – they really take the edge off of all the chaos, but you can still hear everything that you need to.

Techniques like deep breathing, journaling, or seeking support from therapists can be super helpful.

Being a mum with ADHD can be a unique and challenging experience, but it doesn’t mean that it’s impossible to thrive and enjoy motherhood.

By recognising the signs, embracing your neurodiversity and discovering some strategies that work for you, you can navigate motherhood with confidence.

Remember, you’re not alone on this journey, and there is a supportive community out there ready to provide understanding and encouragement. Embrace your strengths, seek support when you need it, and celebrate the incredible mum that you are – ADHD and all.

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